Search for Half Built Dyson Spheres Finds Seven Candidates from Gaia DR3, 2MASS, and WISE

Astronomers decided to look for partially constructed Dyson spheres and other megastructures around stars. They determined that half-built Dyson spheres or megastructures would be easy to see with our telescopes. They made a fairly comprehensive search and found seven candidate stars. The candidate stars are all white dwarfs. They also eliminated stars where other astrophysical …

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Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts

Here is update on the analysis of the remains of interstellar meteor IM1. There was a paper claiming the IM1 remains were coal ash but that is disproved. The detection threshold of surveys which rely on reflected sunlight sets the minimum size of a detectable object as a function of its distances from the observer …

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Solar Sail Sun Satellites Could Intercept All Future Interstellar Objects

Earth orbiting satellites have the speed to counter the Earth’s gravity. The mean orbital velocity needed to maintain a stable low Earth orbit is about 7.8 km/s (4.8 mi/s), which translates to 28,000 km/h (17,000 mph). However, this depends on the exact altitude of the orbit. A statite, or static satellite, would use a solar …

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Biomarkers of Microbial Life Detected on Neptune Sized Water World

NASA’s James Web found trace of dimythyl suflide (DMS) in th atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18b and DMS is a biomarker of life. K2-18b’s atmosphere consists of mainly hydrogen, along with small amounts of methane and carbon dioxide. On Earth, the DMS molecule is only associated with microbial life. We have to wait for the existence …

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Spaceships Are Not Operationally Immortal But They Don’t Stop Until They Crash

The Voyager 1 spacecraft is expected to continue its mission until about 2025. Its radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) will no longer supply enough power to operate its scientific instruments. NASA is limiting the Voyagers’ processes to keep them operating until 2030. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched in 1977. They are identical probes that …

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Interstellar Meteor Expert Avi Loeb Says Unmanned Alien Space Probes Likely Vastly Outnumbers Manned

Avi Loeb discusses his expectation that unmanned alien space probes would vastly outnumber manned alien spaceships. This is certainly the case for the human space program where we have sent out about one hundred manned missions but have sent tens of thousands of unmanned missions over seventy years. In an interview, Avi explained that it …

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Debris Shows Interstellar Meteor Was Faster, Tougher and Had 1000 Times More Uranium Than Rocks in Our Solar System

Harvard’s Avi Loeb reports that the Galileo Project just completed the early analysis of 57 spherules from the crash site of the first recognized interstellar meteor, IM1. How do they know the meteor was of interstellar origin? It was detected before impact and was traveling at a speed beyond solar system escape velocity and from …

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