Indications of superconductivities in blend of variant apatite and covellite

China’s room temperature superconductor research continues. Here is the latest published work from the team from multiple universities and labs. This is the same teams that found stronger magnetic indications of Meissner effect in LK99 variant materials. Through heavily doping sulfur into an apatite framework, chinese researchers synthesized a new blend mainly comprising variant apatite …

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World’s First Fully High Temperature Superconducting Tokamak is China’s HH70

China has created the HH70 device, the world’s first fully high-temperature superconducting tokamak device, named HH70, in its eastern Municipality of Shanghai. By 2027, Energy Singularity aims to build a next-generation tokamak, a steady-state, high-magnetic-field, high-temperature superconducting model. This project will lay the groundwork for commercially viable fusion energy acquisition, with an ultimate goal of …

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Stronger Meissner Effect with China’s LK99 Variant Room Temperature Superconductor

Copper-substituted lead apatite, aka LK-99, was claimed to be room-temperature superconductor, but due to the complicated components and structures, the reproduction is still controversial. Chinese researchers have some replication of the Korean work and have extended with better procedures and research. They have updated a prior paper with new synthesis (instructions about how to make …

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South China Researchers Progress on Room Temperature Superconductivity Research

The pursuit of room-temperature superconductivity has long been a holy grail in the field of condensed matter physics because it could revolutionize all electricity based technologies and in particular make computers at least hundreds of times faster. In mid-2023, the Korean LK-99 (copper-substituted lead apatite) material provided a controversial possibility of a major breakthrough. Researchers …

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UPDATE: SCTL Retracts Levitation Claim for PCPOSOS Room Temperature Superconductor

New video from SCTL Korea room temperature superconductor experimenters claimed to shows a very strong full levitation effect. Full levitation would be evidence of the Meissner effect found only in superconductors. I have shown how the levitation evidence was originally partial levitation. Critics says partial levitation can be from diamagnetics or even some iron contamination. …

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New Korean Room Temperature Superconductivity PCPOSOS Critical Temperature Research

Investigation of the zero resistance and temperature-dependent superconductivity phase transition in Pb-Cu-P-S-O compound by Huk Geol Kim, Dae Cheol Jeong and Hyun-Tak Kim. Hyun-Tak Kim is one of the lead researchers for the LK99 team. This new paper presents a specific critical temperature for PCPOSOS, demonstrating consistency with the original authors’ data. In this study, …

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How to Optimize the Structure and Quality of Thin Film Nobium for Superconducting Circuits

The performance of superconducting microwave circuits is strongly influenced by the material properties of the superconducting film and substrate. While progress has been made in understanding the importance of surface preparation and the effect of surface oxides, the complex effect of superconductor film structure on microwave losses is not yet fully understood. In this study, …

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Brian’s Video Talk About China’s LK99 Type Research

Two weeks ago the Korean group presented new room temperature superconductivity research and this week the Chinese research group published new research on LK99 type superconductors. Are we at a breakthrough? What has been done in this new research? China has published new research on improved copper and sulfur codoped material with a stronger meissner …

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China Room Temperature Superconductor Researcher Had Experiments to Refute Critics

Chinese researchers are making variations of LK99 room temperature superconductor materials with more sulfur and copper in the chemistry. They are publishing results with stronger magnetic indications of a Meissner effect. The chinese researchers have been online discussing their room temperature superconducting research and the challenges of the materials. Here are the issues discussed. * …

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China’s Sulfur LK99 Room Temperature Superconductor Variant Has Increased Meissner Effect Signal

Chinese researchers have published a new non-peer reviewed paper on their sulfur copper doped led apatite room temperature superconductor. They have increased the Meissner effect signal. Supplemental material from the China researchers. This describes the precise work done show they did not make measurement errors. Background Context In mid-2023, the Original Korean researchers discovered the …

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Korean SCT Lab Paper Partially Describes How to Make Potential Room Temperature Superconductor Pb-Cu-P-S-O

SCT Lab published a paper on how they make the Pb-Cu-P-S-O compound that has some pieces with potential room temperature superconductivity. The description of the process to make it is partial. How they get the powders is not described. They did not give mass ratios (cited intellectual property). The testing process for zero resistivity did …

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